Introduction to Shamanic Journeying
Learn to shift your consciousness to make direct contact with the shamanic worlds and your own helpers and allies.
Community Soul Retrieval
Receive a healing of your own soul essence, and witness and support the healing of others.
Healing with Spiritual Light
Directly experience spirit in the form of light, and participate and learn a simple and powerful method of healing that you can carry into your life.
Medicine for the Earth
Connect to nature beings, nature helpers, and the earth to learn how to work with the land and yourself. Healing occurs when we understand we are equal with nature, not above or below it.
Healing with percussion
Rhythm changes consciousness and brings joy and energy. We drum, rattle, and make other percussive music together to experience increased vitality and freedom, and to align with ourselves, Earth, and each other.
Death and Dying from a Shamanic Perspective
What is death? Where do we go when we die? How can we assist others in the dying process? These and other questions are addressed from a shamanic perspective and through journey processes.
Partnering for the Earth for Healing
We focus on cultivating relationships with Earth and nature to learn to receive their wisdom and guidance and to learn to more deeply relate to the natural world, including the human world.
Pathways Monthly Drum Circle
A monthly gathering for shamanic healing, journeying, and drumming together. Experience this work within the power of a committed and connected circle.
Learn more about Pathways Minneapolis
Harner Method Shamanic Counseling
An in-depth experience of the shamanic journey to learn how to ask for and receive accurate “counseling” for one’s life and life issues. Participants gain confidence in their own ability to listen to their helping allies.

Curious about the Harner Method for Shamanic Counseling?
Additional Resources
I Ching
Learn more about the The Oracle of the Cosmic Way, Carol A Anthony and Hanna Moog, meeting your sage, or wisest teacher within via
Shamanic Network and Education
Learn about modern day shamanic practices from Sandra Ingerman.
Foundation for Shamanic Studies
Learn more about shamanic services and education, resources and training, anthropological research from Timothy Cope.
Embody Minneapolis
Find healing through Gyrotonic Method, learning to physically embody your natural rhythms and movement.